Attention Skills

Attention skills play a crucial role in executive functioning and learning, serving as the foundation for various mental processes. Whether in the classroom or everyday life, the ability to direct and sustain attention is vital for absorbing information, problem-solving, and making decisions.

executive function skill attention

Executive functioning encompasses a range of higher-order cognitive functions, including planning, organizing, self-regulation, and cognitive flexibility. By honing attention skills, individuals can effectively filter distractions, maintain focus, and allocate mental resources appropriately, thus enhancing their capacity to learn, process information efficiently, and navigate complex tasks. From early childhood to adulthood, the development and cultivation of attention skills not only contribute to academic success but also play a significant role in overall cognitive and emotional well-being.

Many of the examples you’ll see here are using something called “Boom Cards”. Click here to learn what they are.

Selective Attention

The ability to attend to information that is important while filtering out distractions.

Seek and Find Game Mardi Gras
Seek and Find I Spy progressive difficulty visual attention Boom card game

Sustained Attention

The ability to pay attention for prolonged periods of time.

Sustained attention games BUNDLE featuring kittens with background purring sound

Listening Skills

The ability to listen carefully without mental distractions interfering.

auditory working memory game to practice listening and following multi-step directions: Valentine's Day theme
auditory working memory game for BOOM; line up St. Patrick's Day musicians parade
auditory working memory digital game for Boom Learning